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Room Allocation Form 2025

All of us here at Dromantine are delighted that your child has been able to secure a place at our summer camp for 2025!
We hope you are as excited as we are, as we approach our first week of camp in just under 2 weeks time. 

As things stand, the majority of the rooms at this year's camp will be 2 beds. In this form we will ask you to provide the name of one other child who your child would like to share with.

To ensure your room allocation request is met , we ask that the parent/guardians of each child, complete this form and confirm their request by selecting the same passcode as the other parent/guardian (a number between 1 & 10). 

If your child is coming to camp on their own, we will make every attempt to pair them up with another child of a similar age.

Week of Camp
Boys Week 1 : 20 - 25 July
Boys Week 2: 27July - 1 August
Girls Week 1: 3 - 8 August
Girls Week 2: 10 - 15 August
Requesting for your child to share a room with someone they know?
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